My Princess Boy…cutest thing


My Thoughts: How can anybody find this threatening? I find it hard to believe that such an innocent child would be a detriment to our society, if anything, little boys like this make our society more of what we’re known for, Diverse.

They say that a little boy “dressing like a girl” will make him gay, or that he will grow up with mental issues. This is an easily debated hate-rhetoric, because if that were true than most gay men would be straight, just because we dress and “act” straight, contrary to popular belief most gay men dont carry handbags, and those who do, aren’t bothering anybody by doing it.

One more thing, because this topic is to huge to caver in one short post but, has one noticed the double standard. Its “okay” for a girl to be a “tomboy”, yes one might call her a lesbian but we know how far it can go with a boy with an affinity for “feminine things”, it extends passed vocal, and alot of the times onto the physical. People haven’t learned yet to keep their hands to themselves, and we as a society justify this by punishing people for being different, instead of those who point out and capitalize on those differences…..we need more empathy, not tolerance, because Gays/Intersexed/Transgendered/GenderQueer people……we dont want tolerance, tolerance is for people who do negative things, we want equality to be left alone to our own devices and we want to feel like more than just GUESTs in our own Community….is that really to much to ask for?


This is why we include the letter “T” in GLBT, no Transgender is not a sexuality like the GLB, because they can in fact be either STRAIGHT or GAY……but we identify more with them, and they need our support. The often forgotten “T” receive in my opinion the most outwardly negative reaction from all facets of society, even in the gay community, and its sad…Im pretty sure, and no I cant prove it, that TransGendered suicides rival Gay Suicides, to me its heartbreaking, because although Im not Transgender or Intersex, I feel as though we owe more to our brothers and sisters than the minimal…

Yes, we want Gay Marriage…but contrary to social opinion, this isnt our main issue, we want Workers Rights, Adoption PRIVILEGES, and Equal Treatment under the law that OUR tax dollars guarantee us… and most importantly we want to feel safe in our person, and not feel like we will be assaulted and/or killed for kissing in public…ect…:To Be Continued…

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3 Responses to My Princess Boy…cutest thing

  1. Queenpaula says:

    I admire this mom for not only helping her son, but other children who struggle with being different in this sometimes judgmental and homophobic society. I taught a wonderful student, a young lady, who was one heck of a hockey player. Does this factor automatially label her as a lesbian or simply extremely proficient in the sport despite her sex. Let us love our children so that they can love themselves and therefore not harm themselves.

  2. Rev. Caritas says:

    Yes, I agree. This child is beautiful!

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